
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

jamesfirecat2/10/2010 9:38:59 pm PST

re: #468 Slumbering Behemoth

Gawt-damn! That is the largest hyperbolic strawman I think I’ve ever seen. I think it just shat about sixteen Godzillas, it’s that big.

“I don’t think there is a limit. I know in the past we’ve dropped atomic weapons on civilian populations and I know we’ve read terrorist rights.”

I thought he told me “no limits” and I interpreted that as “NO LIMITS” if I misunderstood him than I would very much like to apologize for that comment…

But I suppose I may have ended up wanting to think the worst of my opoonent because as PT Barnum says, I wanted to talk about individual actions as acceptable or unacceptable and he insisted we write global policy….