
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Targetpractice8/13/2010 8:38:40 pm PDT

re: #476 crown_of_feathers

“Serious question, m’dear. How aware were you of terrorism before 9/11/01?”

Hmm. Not sure of the reason for that question. I was fairly aware of it. And, like a good knee-jerk Jew, ALWAYS voted Democrat.

Then 9-11 happened. And then I went on a number of message boards, and the savage anti-American, anti-Jewish tone coming from the Leftists and their allies (the Islamofascists) made me sick to my stomach. And that helped me see that, at the bottom, at the CORE, of all the leftist horse-crap, was a hatred of America, and that there was a growing Jew-hating sickness within the Left, masquerading as Anti-Israel hatred.

And (whatever Charles and the crew here say) I came to see that the sickness within the Left is far, far, more dangerous than whatever pale inanities might be coming from the leaderless Right.

It absolutely amazes me how you could have been around as long as I have, yet not be able to see the difference between those Muslims who truly love America and go out of their way to prove so and the jihadis who wish nothing more than this nation torn down and rebuilt as a backwards hellhole.