
Kentucky's 'Family-Friendly' Machine Gun Festival, with Neo-Nazis

garhighway4/14/2011 5:22:49 am PDT

re: #106 negativ

I’m not exactly a gun nut, but I do appreciate firearms, and I think that anyone who isn’t a criminal or a lunatic should be able to own as many of whatever kind they want — to an extent. You’re not going to find me arguing in favor of your right to attach an M61 Vulcan to your dual-cab Dodge Compensator, for instance. But all this fuss over “semi-automatic” this and “high-capacity” that is just amazingly infuriating bullshit.

People that are in favor of “gun control” almost always zero in on utterly nonsensical cosmetic or mechanical traits of certain firearms. Bayonet lugs, muzzle breaks, flash suppressors, pistol grip stocks, large-capacity magazines, and other irrelevant crap. As far as I can tell, this is because the people making and supporting these laws generally learned everything they know about firearms from TV and movies — and that also includes lots of anti-gun law enforcement officials I’ve heard over the years. Along that line, it bears reiterating that Michael Moore is an asshole.

I’ve been to a few (not many) gun shows and to all kinds of firing ranges, and while I’ve never encountered any neo-Nazis or militia types, I have met an uncomfortably large number of stereotype-reinforcing rednecks who, in my estimation, have no business driving a car, much less owning a firearm.

This article at Daily Kos is spot-on, and I wish more left-of-crazy types would come around to this way of thinking.

The article deliberately ignores the phrase “well-regulated”, as in “a well-regulated militia being necessary…”

Knowing that we are to interpret the Constitution so that every word and phrase matter, we need to give that phrase meaning. Second Amendment absolutists read that phrase right out of the document.

The Heller court glossed over this. The Kos article did, too.

If you are going to regulate a militia, wouldn’t one of things you want to regulate be the type of weapon its members bring to the battle? Would you want 50 kinds of weapons requiring 50 kinds of ammo? Doesn’t that imply that regulating the kind of weapons people can possess is within the government’s purview?