
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel8/14/2009 6:20:49 am PDT

re: #471 quiet man

Myself I am glad she did..since a little turnabout is what the left deserve s most in this topic

Speaking of turn-about, brilliant strategist Palin was for the ‘death panels’ as AK governor.

In recent weeks, right-wing groups have been pushing the myth that health care reform will somehow kill seniors. One of the most high profile voices pushing this lie has been Sarah Palin, who claimed President Obama will institute bureaucratic “death panels.” Today, again on her Facebook page, she continued the attack. Though some Republicans have rebuffed this absurd, inaccurate notion — like Johnny Isakson (R-GA), who called such talk “nuts” — others, like Newt Gingrich, have piled on to agree with Palin.

However, on April 16th 2008, then Gov. Sarah Palin endorsed some of the same end of life counseling she now decries as a form of euthanasia. In a proclamation announcing “Healthcare Decisions Day,” Palin urged public facilities to provide better information about advance directives, and made it clear that it is critical for seniors to be informed of such options

Thanks in part to her fearmongering, end-of-life counselling is out now. Yay, Palin!