
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

rurality10/08/2009 3:29:15 pm PDT

Moved from Manhattan to a farm in Illinois 20 years ago—corn and soybeans. This area is very Republican, church going and racist and I’m none of the aforementioned and have become pretty intolerant of the first two, always totally intolerant of racists. First 5-10 years here people would apologize if they slipped and said the “N” word around me, cause they knew I “didnt like it.” I vote the person, but other than my ex-congressman Ray LaHood, it’s been a while since I voted for a Republican. I was/am an early Kos member, tho chronic lurker—I’m zeal deficient. Read Huff and Andrew Sullivan, NYTimes, TPM, Washington Monthly on line daily and in the last few months LGF. I went to Red State, Ace, etc. trying to figure out what was making the right so crazed. It just seemed from the instant Obama took office, Republicans in Congress became petulant and lazy and the right, delusional and hysterical. Anyway, I came to LGF and saw a site that was wrestling with what had been its perceived identity and refusing to follow other conservative sites into lying, bigotry and misinformation. Charles was working hard to maintain rational, factual discourse and I found this fascinating to watch and very inspirational. I had really come to feel that power and money had totally trumped honesty and integrity in the Republican party/right. The zero tolerance for chummy racism or any sort of racism and Charles’ fight against ‘deniers’ of both Global Warming and Evolution made me feel comfortable and hopeful. I’m not sure I can add anything to the conversations here, but since I have been moved and encouraged by the people at LGF I wanted to be able to chime in, if for no other reason than to say, thanks.