
Crack in the Far Right World

swamprat8/21/2010 9:16:17 pm PDT

re: #429
Mathematically, letting you keep x amount of your money is the same as giving you x amount of “their” (the governments, “our” money;

amount owed, minus me paying x, equals something

amount owed, they give me x, so I don’t have to pay it, equals the same number.

The numbers might be the same, but from a personal rights and freedom viewpoint, these numbers are the result of 2 totally different transactions.

Does the government own your money, and you allow them to repossess it?
Does the government deserve your money and you owe them for what services they perform?

It is a matter of viewpoint.
One side is a bit more tyrannical and arrogant, than the other.
But you’re still out some cash at the end of the day.

But attitude DOES matter.