
Daily Caller: Confederate Flags Are Just Like Gay Pride Flags

Mattand10/15/2013 9:19:44 am PDT

re: #470 aagcobb

Of course they do. They also wanted zero tax increases on the rich last January, but in the end Boehner bowed to reality. I’m confident he will bow to reality again; he’s not delusional like Gohmert, Bachmann et al. He knows what the likely consequences of debt default will be, not just for the economy but for the GOP..

Honestly, it’s irrelevant if Boehner’s delusional or not. He’s basically been hiding in a corner letting the delusional nut jobs run the show, and fuck over the US in the process.

He may know what the consequences are, but he’s placed his job security and party affiliation above what’s good for the country. He may not be delusional, but he’s been just as destructive.