
9/11 Suspects Will Be Tried in New York

Cato the Elder11/14/2009 8:58:33 am PST

re: #485 exelwood

Of course it works (see 475). Why do you so fear a rag tag bunch of 7th century retards? Terrorism is a cowardly act perpetrated by bullies. Bullies are cowards who only bully when they feel safe to do so. As in Iraq, when the the leaders no longer feel safe they quit trying to kill us.

Are you suggesting we throw our hands up and cower under our beds until Achmed shows up to relieve us of our heads? You’re quick to say what won’t work, what will? More of Obama prostrating himself before the world?

I’m suggesting that killing terrorists actually is a police action more than a war, whether the “police” are Special Forces, Navy SEALs, or CIA hit squads. I’m stating as fact the fact that sticking around in Afghanistan hoping that al Qaeda will come out with hands held high and white flag waving is a deadly illusion and a waste of lives and treasure.

I don’t fear al Qaeda. I hate and detest the inept “War on Terror” (how do you make war upon a noun?) the way it’s been fought up till now. Our successes, and there have been many, have been local and precise, not global and full of shock and awe. We have driven al Qaeda from Afghanistan into Pakistan (insofar as they are localized at all, which is to a very small extent) and now hang around wondering what to do with an unconquerable territory full of people who hate us just for being foreigners in their land. A “surge” like the one in Iraq will accomplish precisely nothing except to prolong the agony. And we can’t march into Pakistan for reasons that should be obvious.

Therefore, I’m for criminalization of terrorism and police action as opposed to endless, futile, conventional warfare. This is not a war in any standard sense of the term.

As for Obama “prostrating himself before the world” - words fail me. You, sir, are an ass.