
Pro-Walker Bus Tour Ends with a Whimper

Gus3/07/2011 8:38:46 am PST

re: #481 iossarian

I hope you’re wrong there - I don’t see any reason why a large majority of the population shouldn’t be able to benefit from the country’s prosperity.

(I do accept that the super-cheap housing available through massive suburban expansion is probably not something we should repeat, though.)

I don’t see anything changing. The cost of living only continues to rise. Right now we’re in a housing slump and RE prices have decline but not by much. Incomes, wages, remain very stagnant and wealth distribution continues to widen. Property taxes continue to increase every year all across America. Manufacturing will never return as it all goes to nations like China or the lowest bidder. I wish this weren’t true but I see no hope unless we make fundamental economic and social (probably cultural) changes.