
Breitbart "News" Race-Baiting Fails Again: Man Vandalized His Own Truck With Anti-Cop Messages

Blind Frog Belly White9/19/2015 11:56:32 am PDT

Yesterday, it was finally That Time for our 19 year-old Eskie.

Kyoko in a rare contemplative moment

We got her from some friends, who discovered there’s more to owning a dog than simply getting one that matched the furniture. An America Eskimo Miniature mix, she had the acrobatic abilities and inclinations of the breed. She kept escaping from their yard by hopping up onto the top of the fence and walking along it before jumping off into the neighboring yard. We adopted her after an extended dogsitting gig while our friends visited family in Japan. When they came back Mrs. FBW and the dog’s owner discovered they were both thinking the same thing - that Kyoko would be happier with us.

And she was! For the next 16 years, she was a happy, playful bundle of energy, sweet and loving.

Yesterday, we laid her to rest next to her buddy, her brother, her Alpha, for whom she was The Enforcer with other dogs.

Good bye, old girl. Rest well. Thanks for all the love.