
Overnight Hopin'

eon1/28/2009 5:42:06 am PST

re: #461 opnion

Barry’s IQ is 121? I thought that he was a world class Mensa genius.

Good morning, Lizards.

Some sources credit The One with an “awesome” IQ of 125. This means that he’s a staggering seven percentage points above that “cretin”*, George W. Bush, and the “appallingly stupid”* Sarah Palin, both of whom check in at 118.

(*quotations from the usual suspects on the left, of course, not MO.)

Since the IQ scale (Stanford/Binet) is linear and not geometric, it would be fair to state that The One may be slightly more “intelligent” than his predecessor. But there’s a vast gap between the ability to process data (which is the true definition of intelligence) and the ability to engage in rational decision making. Woodrow Wilson, at (approximately) 140, was one of our highest-IQ Presidents. Yet he repeatedly blundered, first in attempting to keep us out of World War One, then in getting us into it, and finally in trying to broker peace after it, simply because he tended to ignore or openly reject facts which conflicted with his personal dogmas. Jimmy Carter (121) had similar problems.

The bottom line isn’t IQ- it’s the ability to see things as they are, and not insist on “interpreting” them to suit preconceived notions or visionary delusions of perfection.

/For the record, mine is 183. And I guarantee you I’m not qualified to be POTUS.

