
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/26/2009 10:54:13 pm PST

re: #479 Unakite

re: #463 lostlakehiker

Nicely reasoned essay. I would add that glaciers are naturally occurring averagers of temperatures. Their near-universal retreat says something.

Damn Kissy-fest. What the hell is an “averager” of temperature, and what the hell does the “near-universal retreat” of glaciers mean? If they’re retreating now, it means they had to advance at some time in the past. Global Cooling? Guess what! The natural cycles of the earth’s climate occur in periods far longer than one or two generations…oh, f*ck it.

Hmmm something odd happened with my comment… I shall try again.

No one is denying that there have been cycles of warming or cooling in the past. The assertion is that we are influencing the cycle. How can you claim that the things that I have mentioned would have no effect in the present? The best models we have indicate that is does make a difference and common sense should indicate that if you change the bioshphere enough things will change in at least some way.

The question is how much?

So please, without anger tell me why these things have no effect?