
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

Walter L. Newton8/24/2009 2:01:45 pm PDT

re: #463 filetandrelease

For most people, that would be just about right.

But not for the damn government and CIA and other intelligence professionals. #477 LoquaciousLady

I think blowing up the cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima was an awful, terrible thing for us to do. Thousands of innocents died. But, on the other hand, should we have not done it because it was wrong? It was the right thing to do in the larger sense of the war situation. I’m finding this situation somewhere in that quagmire.

So, what are you trying to say? That the next time we threaten a terrorists children and he doesn’t give us the info necessary, then let’s snuff those little buggers?

Is that what you are saying? Is that what you want? Should we follow through if we make the threat?

I don’t think so.