
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Walter L. Newton9/06/2010 8:36:03 pm PDT

re: #472 b_sharp

Bullshit Walter, he didn’t say anything like that. He made a point that Obama has been under a barrage of crap from racists, unlike any other president. Any extrapolation of that to include everybody who complains about his policies is all yours.

Would you like to dispute that Obama has been under attack from racists? Would you like to dispute those attacks are more vociferous than in other administrations?

Well then do so.

What’s your problem B_sharp… never heard this before? “If you don’t agree with Obamacare, you’re racist”, if you don’t agree with this or that, you’re racist.

I have some of the most non-racist bones in my body you’ll ever see, and I’m getting tired of the implications.
