
Overnight Video: Pale Blue Dot

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/28/2011 9:24:49 am PDT

re: #481 imp_62

Of course they notice. Hate blinds them to the facts, though. I personally do not believe BHO has been an extraordinary President, but hell will freeze over before I vote for any of the likely GOP candidates. BHO would have to physically come over to my house, beat my wife, run over my dogs, and set fire to my hair before I would consider voting GOP in the next election.

I could not agree more with what you wrote.

I think it is a little unfair though to lay everything at the feet of BHO however. He would have gotten much further if he had any real support from behind from his own party. The Dems had everything… both houses, clear majorities etc… They could have passed a budget last year.

Healthcare. How hard is it to communicate to people that medical insurance companies are not your friends? Only the Dems could manage to bungle that message. Rather than presenting anything that even remotely looked like a unified front with basic guiding principles behind it, they all sounded like little chickens scrabbling about without their heads.

Climate For crying out loud! The science is as slam dunk as it gets! How hard is it to look at a GOP moron and ask what he thinks is making all that ice melt if it isn’t getting hotter and the sun is putting out slightly less energy for the last 12 years? (Ohh.. and this year it bounced back to normal). Everyone could have said that. But of course not.

The Dems are basically useless. They couldn’t just speak a simple truth if their careers depended on it. I give Obama credit for trying to at least speak those truths. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have the strength of personality or, the pull to reign in self serving and cowardly Dems.

The only redeeming feature they have is that unlike the GOP, they aren’t utterly evil.