
IDF Invasion of Gaza Imminent?

Walter L. Newton1/03/2009 10:39:50 am PST

re: #468 Osama Bin Asshat

I was alluding to female suicide bombers…sorry I didn’t specify that…you need to chill buddy.

Then be more careful with your comments. Do you know why Charles’ doesn’t like that kind of blanket statements made here? Because there are lurkers here that just love to clip and paste and link to statements that make LGF sound like KOS or any of the other extreme blogs.

So, we make a concerted effort to be careful that our statements don’t come across the wrong way.

If we are being sarcastic, normally we end a comment with a forward slash “/” or “/s” or “/sarcasm” or something in the statement itself explains that it is a satirical comment.

Now, do you understand?