
Sarah Palin: My Bus Tour is 'Not About Me'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)6/01/2011 7:37:59 am PDT

re: #484 iossarian

But those Conservative Christians who want to allow gays to get married, and who agree that abortion should be a basic right, and who don’t hate muslims, and who don’t want to raise taxes on the elderly and cut funding that supports the poor and destitute?

Those ones are OK.

Those would be my parents, though they just think that their personal beliefs about gays and abortion shouldn’t inform government policy.

Someone can be incredibly conservative in their own personal life without believing that the government should match their conservatism. In fact, it’s remarkably common. Orthodox Jews tend to be highly ‘conservative’ in the way they live their lives, and highly ‘liberal’ about what the government should allow.