
Video: Seth Meyers on a Nightmarish Trump Week That's Only Half Over

Dr Lizardo7/27/2017 10:58:44 am PDT

Looks like the Russia thing has the potential to create something of a schism in the GOP.

Bucking Idaho’s two GOP senators, the Kootenai County Republican Party has approved a resolution praising Russia for resisting a “progressive globalist agenda.”

The county Republican Central Committee narrowly passed the resolution on Tuesday favoring friendlier relations with Russia and condemning the Russian sanctions bill that was sponsored by Idaho GOP Sen. Mike Crapo and passed overwhelmingly by both the U.S. House and Senate.

The resolution praises Russia and denounces Crapo and Idaho GOP Sen. Jim Risch for supporting the measure. It also calls for them to “re-examine their foreign policy orientations” and adopt “an anti-globalist, America-first foreign policy orientation.”

Lindsay Nothern, communications director for Crapo, said Wednesday his office didn’t know about the Kootenai County GOP resolution.