
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

SanFranciscoZionist10/08/2009 3:31:45 pm PDT

re: #453 Thanos

Before everyone goes off the deep end about the OK abortion reporting laws please keep in mind that many states already report by county, and that these stats are useful. We used some of them in many threads combating the agitprop of abortion terrorist supporter’s bogus claims as to how many abortions Dr. Tiller had performed.

Here’s the typical clinic reporting form(this one from 1998,) and many of the “bulk stats by county” are available online.

The telling point is how contemporaneous with the abortion does the stat need to be made public? Anyone know? If it’s like next day, that’s obviously wrong, once a quarter, once a year?

Do states currently make individual records available, or do they compile stats by county?