
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

Targetpractice8/13/2010 9:02:04 pm PDT

re: #487 crown_of_feathers

“yet not be able to see the difference between those Muslims who truly love America”
…God bless them!!

”.. and go out of their way to prove so”
…you mean like, at every turn saying they hate terrorism, BUT saying…let’s look first at the ROOT CAUSES of the “militants” .

Look, if you’re looking for someone who HATES MUSLIMS as human beings, you won’t find it with me.

If you’re looking for someone who thinks (rightfully so) that Islam (the creed) is a sick, militant, murderous, pathological ideology, I’m your man. Sorry for espousing the truth.

And ignorant little fucks like you are precisely why guys like OBL find such willing converts, both here at home and abroad. Why would Muslims want to feel pride and support a nation that views them with suspicion and hatred simply because of their beliefs, rather than anything they have done.

But sure, go ahead and keep telling yourself that you can hate Islam and not hate Muslims. Whatever helps you sleep at night.