
And Now, the Benghazi Talking Point Bombshell That Isn't

lawhawk5/10/2013 11:52:47 am PDT

A turf war between various agencies. Where have we seen that before. Oh right. Before 9/11, during and after 9/11, the Iraq war, the hunt for OBL, post OBL, Benghazi, and even the Boston bombing.

Bureaucratic infighting continues to exist, despite the fact that failures to share information can lead to tragic and devastating outcomes. It explains a lot, as does the fact that State developed multiple statements about the events in Benghazi.

Anyone want to go back and look at the statements from 9/11 in the minutes and hours and days after the attacks? It’s all there in the 9/11 Reports, but here’s the condensed version.

Planes get hijacked and air controllers are struggling to figure out what’s going on and where the planes are heading. They alert NEADS. Fighter jets are put on alert.

First media references? Local NYC media covering the NYC primary elections report explosion at WTC. They go on air indicating something internal or a plane crash. Not sure.

Minutes later? They go live with report it was a plane of some kind.

The WH is informed that a small plane has hit the WTC.

NSA Rice then revises to say a commercial plane has hit the WTC; that’s all they know.

Then the 2d plane hit.

Even after the 2d plane hit, speculation that this was some kind of tragic accident, but reporters begin realizing this is a terror attack.

Reports of a fire at the Pentagon. Later learn that it was the 3d hijacked plane.

4th hijacked plane later crashes at Shanksville PA after passengers move to retake cockpit to prevent further damage on the ground.

In the fog of war - and Benghazi was indeed a situation where the facts were indeterminate and subject to revision, getting information in a timely fashion is key, but so too is updating what is known or unknown. At the same time, you’re not going to want to broadcast information that might tip off those who were behind the attacks. That’s why information was added, then removed and edited.

It doesn’t show a conspiracy. It shows how a bureaucracy like the State Department works.