
New Mexico State Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Marriage Legal

Flying Squirrel Girl12/19/2013 12:04:41 pm PST

re: #35 Pie-onist Overlord

When I was 18 and home over the Xmas holidays, someone broke into the house while I was home alone during the day (I did what you are NEVER supposed to do, and pretended like no one was home because I didn’t recognize the truck or the guys in it). I was talking to a friend on the phone when the incessant knocking stopped and I heard the sound of wood cracking and saw the shadow of the front door swing open. While one guy drove the truck into the backyard, the other came walking into the hallway and saw me crouched beside the bed, on the phone waiting for a 911 operator. He ran, jumped in the truck, and they sped off.

I have often thought how differently that day could have turned out if either one of us had had a gun.

I always tell people my view on gun ownership is shaped by experience, not fear of what MIGHT happen.