
American Family Association Loon Sandy Rios: 'Real Experts' Know Evolution Has Been 'Disproven'

CuriousLurker2/13/2015 11:36:01 am PST

re: #36 EPR-radar

Not so odd, really. Once science is demoted to being just another religion, it can be dismissed as simply being wrong by the zealots confident that theirs is the “one true religion” (TM).

So they are not exactly using ‘religion’ as an insult.

re: #37 Feline Fearless Leader

Not if you’re convinced that yours (and only yours) is the correct and true religion. Therefore categorizing anything else as a religion is automatically placing it in the “wrong” bucket. And also makes it subject to the penalties, punishments, etc. that your true religion saves for non-followers.

THIS. Both of you nailed it.

AFAIC religion & science are two completely different things that function in completely different ways. Religion is about belief and only requires faith, not empirical proof. Science is the exact opposite. They both serve a purpose, but what I don’t understand is why anyone tries to prove/disprove one with the other. I mean seriously, there’s really not any common ground to work from in terms of having a debate about it. It makes no sense to me.

Then again, it also makes no sense to me to go around bashing others’ religions as “wrong” when their beliefs (and I stress beliefs) are as sincerely held as my own. Just because something is MY truth doesn’t mean it has to be everyone’s.