
Exclusive: Holocaust Denier Chuck C. Johnson Pays $25,000 to Settle Defamation Lawsuit

Jay C6/01/2018 1:23:45 pm PDT

re: #33 KGxvi

re: #36 Charles Johnson

Like others here, Iā€™m surprised that Chuckles The Troll even has $25G to cough up - maybe thatā€™s his portion of the settlement because itā€™s most (one would hope ALL) of his ready cash?

And as for a Constitutional Convention? Iā€™d say - at the minimal least - An Extraordinarily Bad Fucking Idea. The notion of a CC has been bruited about for years: almost always by the extreme wingiest of wingnuts, who are typically Terminally Butthurt by having to abide by some of the provisions of the current document. Like those relating to freedom of the press, speech, religion, etc: guarantees of due process, restrictions on legal powers, restrictions on state powers, etc.: all of which CC enthusiasts seem to think are bad ideas - or at least should only be applied to ā€œdeservingā€ citizens (and you can guess how ā€œdeservingā€ would be defined). Yeah, the 1789 Constitution has some flaws: but it would be a pretty sure bet that whatever might replace it would be - again, at the minimal least - orders-of-magnitudes worse.