
Jim Jefferies Explains How Republicans Deflect Blame After a Tragedy [VIDEO]

Joe Bacon ✅10/31/2018 12:40:42 pm PDT

Home from Dr.

While sitting in the waiting room a MAGAt comes in wearing a shirt that says Repeal The Gas Tax—No on 6.

For those not in California the Republicans are pushing for a cut in the gas tax ignoring that lots of roads in California are in need of repair and we have a massive Metro Rail expansion project going on.

Anyway, Mr. MAGAt sits down next to me and says, “I hope you vote your race and support your Christian President”

I turned to him and replied, “I am voting my race. I’m Jewish. And any “KKKristian” who has the audacity to tell me that Trump—the blob who is the epitome of all Seven Deadly Sins—is a KKKristian—you are a fucking idiot.”

His response, “I”ll pray for you”

My reply, “As Trump preys on fools like you”.

So folks, how is your day going?????