
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

Killgore Trout10/02/2009 2:35:15 pm PDT

Some of the cheering was literal…
Weekly Standard deletes reference to ‘Cheers’ in their office after Chicago lost Olympic bid.

Soon after news broke that the International Olympic Committee had rejected Chicago’s bid to host the 2016 Olympics, which President Obama had personally lobbied for, Weekly Standard blogger John McCormack published a celebratory post on the magazine’s blog, titled “Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!.” McCormack wrote that “Cheers erupt at WEEKLY STANDARD world headquarters”

But the post has now been changed. The reference to cheers have been removed and the title has been shortened to a non-exclamatory “Chicago Loses.” The current post neither acknowledges nor explains the changes that were made.