
Video: The Worst That Could Happen

Killgore Trout12/12/2009 6:53:48 pm PST

re: #25 Thanos

Actions we should take:
1. Nuclear engines for large ships (put in whatever precautions you deem necessary to stop pirates or foul play; safe ship reactors are possible and in use today.)
2. Nuclear for most electricity generation in most countries (put some restrtictions - country must have democratic gov’t, good human rights record, and be involved in free trade.)
3. Hyperion style mini-reactors instead of $$$ sent to third world countries as our contribution.
4. Create a waste repository and the infrastructure to support it.
5. Remove some extant barriers to wind, solar, nuclear, and hydro power. (Geothermal releases pollution, so I’m not fully on board with that)
5. Challenge congress to create a Transcontinental high speed freight rail right of way coupled with a fiber and power intertie corridor

Sounds good to me.I would also suggest that we need to change the way we live. We consume way too much of almost everything; food, electricity, water, electronics, gadgets, cheap plastic crap from wallmart. I think our quality of life would improve if we all lived a little more simply.