
Overnight Open Thread

RogueOne3/05/2010 3:14:25 am PST

re: #45 iceweasel

I can think of 2 church shooters— that guy who shot up the Unitarian Universalist Church and Scott Roeder. Neither are left wing zealots. Not even on the left. Very, very much right wing zealots.

Holocaust Museum shooter? Not a left wing zealot. Not even on the left.
Joe Stack? Not a left wing zealot. Not even on the left.
Don’t know who else you’re talking about, but let’s not deny the rising tide of right wing extremism and violence.

Stack was a left wing loon. They’ve tried to paint him as a teabagger but you can’t get past the commie manifesto he posted. I don’t even remember the Unitarian shooter so I’ll give you that one. The college professor (left wing loon) and the shooter last night was a left-wing libertarian loon. My point is I don’t think it was their liberal viewpoints that set them on the path to killing, I think it’s their crazy mental makeup.

People tend to search for a reason bad things happen, to try to make sense of tragedy. That I understand but the truth is there isn’t any reason. Crazy people snap and there isn’t much, if anything, we can do about it.