
Boycott of Arizona Has Cost the State More Than $140M

Kragar11/19/2010 12:56:18 pm PST

Sharron Angle: “Sometimes Dictators Have Good Ideas”

The Nevada Sun’s Jon Ralston reports that Angle made the comments “late in the campaign, during a private meet and greet” during which no members of the press were present.

Ralston continues that Angle invoked Pinochet’s name when discussing Social Security privatization: “She had previously used Chile’s Augusto Pinochet’s experiment as an example, but had not used it since her staff shut her down,” Ralston writes. “That day, with no media there, saying her staff had warned her not to use it, she raised the Chile example again and added, ‘Sometimes dictators have good ideas.’ Her staff fretted the line would get out. It did not. Until now.”