
Protests Rock the Middle East and N. Africa

mr.fusion2/03/2011 1:44:03 pm PST

re: #38 Nemesis6

I don’t know if I can be that positive about this — With the main opposition groups being Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and knowing how it’s typically other tyrants that seize upon revolutions, I’ll be watching this with one eye covered!

I don’t know if this is fair. First, we don’t really know what the mind set of the opposition groups are. You say they are “Islamist” (and state it rather matter of factly) but everything I’m seeing is that there isn’t a particularly religious aspect to these revolts.

What I’ve heard since the beginning is that the protesters want a parliamentary style government with all different groups having a seat at the table. Will that include the Muslim Brotherhood? Sure, if they have the votes….but my mindset is democracy is favorable over tyranny. If the new Egyptian governments interest don’t align with ours then the proper action will be taken…..but I don’t like the idea that we should be hoping for an opressed Egyptian people because we can’t trust their choice in leaders.