
White Supremacist Gloats Over Pat Buchanan's Appearance on Radio Show

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines10/25/2011 10:44:06 am PDT

re: #29 EmmmieG

Wait, am I Whitey? Does my religion disqualify me? I mean, any religion so devoted to jello salads and funeral potatoes surely counts as “white.”

I resemble that remark. The Encyclopedia of Bad Taste has a whole section on Jello, with some really great recipes. My favorite was “Un-risen Twinkies.” You take time-expired Hostess Twinkies (to ensure firmness), cut them cross-ways into four chunks and submerge them in partially set lime Jello with canned pineapple. Add marshmallows and fake whipped cream stuff to taste. And you metrosexual lib types think chocolate is a guilty pleasure!