
Opponents of 'Stand Your Ground' Predicted Racially Motivated Killings

Targetpractice3/21/2012 11:01:15 pm PDT

re: #43 Lidane

In this country, a black vigilante following an unarmed white teen in a car, then chasing him on foot, then attacking him and killing him = a one-way trip for that vigilante to death row. Simple as that.

No one would have made excuses for that vigilante using this “stand your ground” bullshit or anything. That vigilante would have been tested for every drug and type of alcohol on the planet, we’d know all the details of what happened, and they’d be in jail right now hoping for a public defender to step forward to try and plead them down to a life sentence instead.

Yep, but then most of the events leading up to this tragedy also wouldn’t have played out the same. A black man getting in a fight with a cop over the arrest of a friend would have spent time in jail, or at the very least lost his gun in the process of pleading the charges away. He wouldn’t have been humored by his neighborhood when he declared himself the “captain” of the non-existent neighborhood watch and ran patrols at night by himself. And I very much doubt the cops would have put up with him ringing 911 on an almost daily basis to report “suspicious persons.”