
Sen. Sherrod Brown Shuts Down Dana Loesch: 'Not From You I Don't'

Gus6/09/2012 8:29:56 pm PDT

Bring out your climate change denier splodey heads!

New Wyoming supercomputer expected to boost atmospheric science
The National Center for Atmospheric Research’s machine is one of the fastest computers ever built, its sheer speed designed to burst through the limits of chaos theory.

By Scott Gold, Los Angeles Times
June 10, 2012

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — Here in the shortgrass prairie, where being stuck in the ways of the Old West is a point of civic pride, scientists are building a machine that will, in effect, look into the future.

This month, on a barren Wyoming landscape dotted with gopher holes and hay bales, the federal government is assembling a supercomputer 10 years in the making, one of the fastest computers ever built and the largest ever devoted to the study of atmospheric science…