
Israel to Arrange Arrival of Last Members of Ethiopian Jewish Community by 2014

researchok7/09/2012 7:51:04 pm PDT

Citizenship status is derived by way of one of two criteria- ‘blood’ or ‘land.’

In the United States, for example, citizenship is primarily derived by ‘land’ status. That means that if you were born here, you are automatically awarded citizenship.

Conversely, being born in Switzerland is no guarantee of citizenship. In fact, there are generations of people that have been born in Switzerland that are not entitled to Swiss citizenship according to Swiss law.

Descendants of British, Irish and Polish ancestry, for example, are all entitled to enhanced and privileged immigration status by those nations. Throughout most of Europe, having even a bit of ‘preferred’ blood entitles one to a citizenship ‘fast track.’

Israel is a sovereign state, as you noted. Israel has every right to determine her own immigration rules., notwithstanding your own rather obsessive beliefs.

I also find that obsession with Jews interesting. You don’t seem to be bothered by some states in the region who won’t tolerate Jews and ‘Promise to finish what Hitler started’. Considering you claim a certain morality, I find that odd.

You can understand why someone might see you as obsessed with Jews.

Know what I mean?