
American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Child Kidnapper Is 'Obeying God Rather Than Man'

Mostly sane, most of the time.8/08/2012 2:13:13 pm PDT

re: #12 celticdragon

If they want to actually try to grab my kid, they won’t live long enough to worry about the legal consequences. Not trying to provoke or have a comment removed. I am just stating my unvarnished opinion as what I would do if somebody tried to do something to my family. My response would be immediate and very, very violent.

You have to remember that in this case, the kidnapper was a member of the family.

These are very complex situations, often with very unhappy endings. The only situation I ever supported was the one in which the mother was convinced the father was molesting the little girl (and his previous ex-wife backed her up.)