
Ariel Sharon's Son Calls for Genocide in Gaza

Buck11/18/2012 7:08:00 pm PST

It is nice that you are safe and warm where you are. No air raid sirens, no rockets raining down on you and your loved ones, family and friends.

I imagine that many of the Londoners during the blitz expressed a desire to flatten Berlin, maybe all of Germany.

Maybe we should not be so fast to judge those who are living in a war…actually crouching in the foxhole.

He doesn’t have his finger on a button. He is not a political leader. He is an Israeli citizen in a war. His father is still in a coma. An enemy that makes calls for his peoples genocide part of their daily mantra.

I don’t agree with his outburst, and I think it is an outburst. However I know what is going on in Syria. I know what Iran did when they wanted to put down an uprising. I know what many countries did, and would do when faced with 60+ years of constant threat of terror.

I don’t judge him. He is young. There is a cure for that.