
American Family Association's Bryan Fischer: "President Obama Is Our Enemy"

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸2/19/2013 6:12:39 pm PST

Secular Fundamentalism

A theist speaking to an atheist might have the following conversation:

Theist: I believe that God exists.

Atheist: I disagree with your position. In fact I see no evidence for God’s existence.
If a theist were to discuss the same issue with a secular fundamentalist, on the other hand, the following might ensue:

Theist: I believe that God exists.

Secular Fundamentalist: You can’t say that.

Theist: I believe that Christ rose from the dead.

Secular Fundamentalist: You can’t say that.

Theist: Happy Christmas.

Secular Fundamentalist: You can’t say that.

in other words:

yet another highly imaginary strawman