
Colbert: Trump Hasn't Been Tested for Coronavirus Despite Possible Exposure, and He's Proud of It

sagehen3/11/2020 3:38:43 pm PDT

re: #69 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I was pretty young when Nader was a thing but I remember Ron Paul’s rise very well. That’s who Bernie is to me. He’s a backbencher who never was interested in joining one of the major parties in a serious way, he’s an ineffective legislator, he’s an old fart who sells his ideas as revolutionary when they’re really just the old fights of hte industrial age. The problem isn’t that Bernie’s a socialist. The problem is Bernie is a socialist stuck in time. And he’s a dipshit when it comes to a key constituency of the party whose nomination he wants.

The age you were when Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader was a thing is how old I was when Awesome Consumer Safety Warrior Ralph Nader was a thing.

Mine was better.