
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Walter L. Newton8/05/2009 7:07:56 pm PDT

re: #482 LudwigVanQuixote

Plimer is to AGW what Behe is to Evolution. I have looked at his garbage quite extensively.

I am not jumping off of any cliff.

I respectfully wish to remind the true believers out there that I am a professional physicist. Everything I have said is backed up by reams of evidence and analysis that I have posted here again and again. Much like Dawkins repeating again and again that DNA counts as evidence or that the transitional fossils really do exist, I keep having whatever evidence I post rejected by the same crowd of true believers out of hand.

Rather than looking at wikis for the fringe elements that say what you want to hear, why not look at what the actual scientific community is saying and has been saying quite loudly for some time?

Dr. Plimer is far from a fringe element. He is only fringe to you because he has some of the most secure and well respected opinions in the global warming “business.”