
Glenn Beck Refuses to Define 'White Culture'

mccainiac5039/25/2009 9:14:04 am PDT

As to W. Cleon Skousen, if we were to discount all ideas of people who espoused racist ideas at one time or another in their lives, then I supposed any of you who are Lutherans are also racist because Martin Luther was a rabid anti-Semite. The list of people who could be labeled as racist is very long indeed if that’s how you want to play the game.

If you’re a Jew or support the state of Israel, Jimmy Carter has essentially labeled you a racist for supporting apartheid in Palestine.

Indeed, I would say that this game the left (and Charles) plays of trying to smear everyone as a racist is just as stupid as the game the right plays in trying to smear everyone (mostly Obama) as a socialist or Communist by using guilt by association. It smacks of desperation and only makes the accuser look like someone lacking persuasive enough arguments for their own ideas and beliefs.