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What, me worry?5/03/2011 7:20:31 pm PDT

re: #464 Obdicut

I found the speech on Sarah’s PAC page. I liked this special helping of word salad.

There’s a lesson here then for the effective use of force, as opposed to sending our troops on missions that are ill-defined. And it can be argued that our involvement elsewhere, say in Libya, is an example of a lack of clarity.

See, these are deadly serious questions that we must ask ourselves when we contemplate sending Americans into harm’s way. Our men and women in uniform deserve a clear understanding of U.S. positions on such a crucial decision.

I believe our criteria before we send our young men and women—America’s finest—into harm’s way should be spelled out clearly when it comes to the use of our military force.

And if we followed Sarah’s Most Awesome Foreign Policy Advice (tm), Osama would be dying of natural causes.