
Herman Cain Harassment Victim's News Conference

jamesfirecat11/04/2011 9:30:36 pm PDT

re: #488 Buck

Ya, I suspect you were never going to vote for the guy no matter what.

However, in this case you are wrong on many levels. The agreement or settlement was not public record, and actually sometimes it is better NOT to have the person being investigated involved in every way.

If you are ever at work and a person makes a grievance against you, even if you are the CEO, actually especially if you are the CEO you should allow the people who’s job it is to investigate or mediate do their job. It makes sure that there is no influence.

Yeah but if I’m the CEO I’d sort of like to have them tell me what the f*** the eventual resolution of me setting them to that task was, not just tell them to do it then forget about it.

But you are right on one thing Buck, Pizza Magnate is not a position I see as a suitable springboard to the Presidency and so in that respect I am biased on against Mr. Cain right out of the bat.

That said much of what I’ve seen from him (say his 9-9-9 plan which most independent economists who look at it agree makes NEIN NEIN NEIN sense) seem to have lent confirmation and at this point its less of a bias and more of a theory that I’m assembling data to prove.

Anyway, sleep now, tomorrow is another day and we’re introducing our old cat to our new cat for the first time, wish me/us luck!