
Discovery Gunman: Just Nuts

ThomasLite9/01/2010 7:37:37 pm PDT

re: #472 LudwigVanQuixote

OK, explain in your own words, what entropy is.

Or how about this:

Recently Iran started fueling a heavy water reactor.

Why is a heavy water design such a big deal in terms of security?

Or how about this:

Explain to me the meaning of the fifth amendment and how that was designed to prevent torture of suspects?

Good luck!

entropy: state of chaos, disorder.
what I would like to know is how the HELL knowing what entropy is is remotely relevant to those in non-exact sciences.

A heavy water reactor design is a big deal because it inherently produces plutonium, IIRC.
that in turn can be used to build nukes.
as long as the russians keep taking the spent rods back I think it’s a rather limited problem (though I would like to see the iranian government dealt with sooner rather than later, I’m just not as worried by this as some).
okay, that was slightly relevant.
however “reactor that produces plutonium that can be used for bombs” is quite an easy way to explain this without someone having to understand what a heavy water reactor is.
bit of a nasty way of putting the question. what’s next, English majors having to understand the detailed functioning of 2nd generation nuclear reactors to an academic level?
heh, 5th amendment. I’ll admit I had to read it up but I’m european, so that figures. not subject to US law, and all.
right to refrain from self-incrimination is what you’re looking for. confession under torture pretty much takes that away.

okay. I get the last one, it’s good common knowledge. then again it’s rather superficial.
I mean, “what’s entropy” seriously? how is that relevant?
I’d like to hear an explanation of that.

and @ NJDHockeyfan
yeah, I’m not going to read half a dozen threads to verify an unbased accusation. if you have a link for me I’d be happy to read it and make up my mind fairly.