
Wednesday Night Stunt Guitar: Joe Satriani w/ Marco Minneman and Bryan Beller - "Satch Boogie"

ObserverArt10/02/2014 9:54:36 am PDT

Damn, the posts are flying fast today. It’s hard to catch up and try to comment before the comment is already trumped by someone else.

I guess that calls for read only mode while I try to do other things too.

I am growing concerned about Ebola though.

We have an America where people do stupid and dangerous stuff caused by fake outrages. Now that there is a real threat of something happening I expect stupid and dangerous to grow out of control. A total freak out.

Also, it is a climate for the hucksters to come out. How long before we see commercials for Ebola home protection kits for only $2995.00 guaranteed? Or, special herbal Ebola prevention vitamin supplements. Maybe special Ebola-free diets.

I am more worried about the crazy spreading the disease than the disease spreading the way it does naturally.