
El Marco: Ward Churchill Trial in Denver

JohnAdams3/09/2009 8:13:38 pm PDT

re: #433 Gus 802

Tapeworm is an apt description. They used to say that of people that just kept eating. I can see a lot of people taking up the college-welfare route. Once in they’ll keep milking the system by deliberately delaying their graduation. They would have to be under some kind of guidelines but that’s not how colleges work since students, sometimes any student, means more money for the school.

You apply the same thought process to health care and it will result in the same. Perpetually “ill” people who cannot be cured by an overtaxed and dispirited health care industry, despite a limitless supply of cash thrown in the gaping hole.

The left always believes that there is an unlimited supply of funds and that they know what to do with it. Both are so tragically untrue that it would be funny if you weren’t a human too.