
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

zombie5/15/2009 10:29:23 pm PDT
Members of the Lambs of Christ organization, formerly known as “Victim Souls of the Unborn Christ-Child,” have been linked to several incidents of violence — most notably James Kopp, who murdered physician Barnett Slepian in 1998.

I just watched a few days ago the documentary film “Lake of Fire”, a detailed look at the abortion wars of the 1990s, including James Kopp, Randall Terry, and the rest.

This film is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED no matter what side of the debate you are on. I went into it thinking, OK, this is definitely going to be pro-choice propaganda. Because the filmmakers are themselves obviously pro-choice. But boy oh boy, they do not pull any punches, and the pro-choice side comes off looking almost as crazy and as bad as the pro-life side. The film shows the extremists in action, ranting and raving and yes even then killing abortionists — they interviewed one of the murderers just a short time before he did his deed.

But at the same time they let reasoned, principled and moral people on both sides argue their case, and some make very persuasive arguments. No matter what position you hold going into the film, you will do a lot of thinking afterwards.

Perhaps most devastating to the pro-choice position is a soul-wrenching segment where they actually follow a real abortion procedure being perfomed — without any editing out the “unpleasant” parts. The vacuum tube goes in, the embryo is sucked out, etc.

And then…in order to “make sure the entire embryo have been successfully removed,” as the doctor put it, to prevent infection or necrotic tissue being left behind, he squooshes out the bag of bloody parts into a tray, and reconstructs the entire tiny baby right in front of you, putting the head, arms, legs, etc together, to make sure it’s all there. The camera zooms in — yow, it’s human.

Apparently this step is done in all abortions past two or three months gestation. But no one likes to talk about it.

And the final scene is perhaps the most powerful, and unexpected. They show a young woman who has agreed to be filmed as she goes in for an abortion. They show every single minute of what happens, the forms being filled out, the doctor interview, the “counselor” talking to her, etc. etc. And again you think — OK, here’s where they show the benefits of legal abortion, because this young woman is not emotionally prepared to have a baby. Propaganda time. She has the abortion, and then a short time afterward sits down for the final interview, says “I’m so glad it’s over,” and manages a weak smile, and says she’s alright, repeatedly. You think the film’s over when suddenly she breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably over what she has just done.

Very powerful.