
New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

iceweasel2/14/2010 8:15:36 pm PST

re: #484 Floral Giraffe

Start making that great big shopping list. If Jimmah comes to the US to visit, he can take a couple of boxes of stuff home with him. Dried red peppers, what else?
*waves hi to the both of you*

Hey Floral!

Yes, we have a gigantic box just with spices and the like. You can’t find anything for Tex-Mex cooking either. Ancho chilies, etc.

I found a great UK site primarily geared toward Asian (i.e., Indian) cooking, but forget about finding anything for mexican cooking in scotland where we are. Even jarred jalapenos was rough.

And the UK loves spicy food. Someone could make a TON of money working in Tex-Mex there. Restaurants and also just merchandising Tex-Mex ingredients.