
Video: Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert Jumps Out and Yells About "Radical Islam"

weststpaulbear6/23/2016 8:39:00 am PDT

re: #475 Alephnaught

Me too. As of last Thursday.

I dialed up “Taurus” on Apple. Intrigued, I listened to the rest of the album. Even more intrigued, I dialed up the Dr Sardonicus album, and was bowled over. Given the fertile pop music and rock market in the UK, and the fact that there wasn’t any FM “album” radio at the time, Spirit didn’t make much of an impact. So I was literally listening to this with fresh ears, and hearing songs like “Life Has Just Begun”, and thinking things like: “That sounds like the Fleet Foxes! In 1971!”

I’ll put in a plug for The Family That Plays Together album too. I like it as much (maybe a little more) than Dr. Sardonicus, but that may be because Family was my point of entry for Spirit. I think ‘Aren’t You Glad’ is one of their very best songs.