
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn't Want You to See

boogereatinmoron8/01/2009 10:58:56 am PDT

I am not going to claim enough intelligence and knowledge to support, dispute or understand all of the scientific arguments surrounding this issue but i do know what I know. I live in the southernmost city in Alaska and as I drove to work this past February I listened to a “news” report citing the changing overwinter patterns of robins. The study claimed the the winter range of robins had moved north into Alaska. The temperature at the time was 24 degrees and there was two feet of snow on the ground. Any robins in Alaska would be dead robins. I don’t know who sponsored the study or what their methodology was but I do know that it was categorically wrong. If you lived anywhere except southern Alaska you would probably accept the report as factual.

I have also worked in the salmon industry for over 30 years and the run timings have not changed despite whatever people may say.

I am not a denier but I am most certainly a skeptic.

In the weather is not climate department I am glad to report that following the worst winter in my 45 year memory we are enjoying the best summer since 1977.