
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All10/08/2009 3:34:38 pm PDT

re: #429 wrenchwench

Luap Nor has given black eyes to two parties, then.

Are you an Isolationist? Is that a standard part of Libertarianism?

The best answer I can give is the following, sometimes idealism has to take a back seat to pragmatism. I think isolationism is a wing of the Libertarian party, but it’s not my wing. Personally, I think we overstretched ourselves the last several years, and I think we tried to do too much at once without making the economic commitment that would be needed to fight 2 regional conflicts at the same time. (that whole guns vs butter argument)

I’m not isolationist, I think we just need to pick our battles carefully.